And I am exactly where I thought I would be. I don't know what to write. It is not about having no idea, but having too many. Just putting it down is a horrible mess. Well I guess I will just keep writing these rants until someting happens and I can come up with something of importance. Now you will get just stupid little things.
One of the pet peeves I have at work, well in workplace to be specific, it is not related to my job, but to the building itself. There is a lift that goes to the underground parking garages, they have 2 levels and that is where my pet peeve comes to life. This is the labeling:
Ground Floor
How on earth is there a subbasement above a basement floor? I know it is stupid little thing but it annoys the living hell out of me everytime I use the lift. My slight OCD gets an electric shock and my eyes start to twitch, blood preasure rises, well the last one is actually not a bad thing for me as I suffer from low blood preasure... :)
Seriously just look it up in a dictionary if you don't know the meaning
A floor beneath a main basement of a building.
And really how can you not know sub means below, under... subway, subculture, subalpine, subcategory, subcontract, etc.
Apparently some people just wanna see the world burn.
Rant over. eweliyi out.
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